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Advantages Of Online Faxing For Law Firms and Lawyers

What are the benefits of online faxing for law firms, lawyers, and attorneys? Well, first of all, let's review whether such legal companies need fax services or not. Law firms and related businesses are still using fax to send and receive documents. It's faster and more secure than other communication methods, and most importantly faxed documents are considered to be legal and can be used in courts as evidence. So, that's why attorneys and lawyers use faxing to communicate with their clients and transmit documents securely and legally.

But on the other side, most law firms are trying to go green and eco-friendly, to waste less energy and consume fewer papers. They also need to have a fax number to send and receive documents. What's the solution? Using an online fax service is the solution here, as law firms get to send and receive faxes whenever they want and on almost any device connected to the internet. Online fax services help their business to be more eco-friendly, save them time and increase their productivity.

What are the benefits of online faxing for law firms, lawyers, and attorneys? Well, first of all, let’s review whether such legal companies need fax services or not. Law firms and related businesses are still using fax to send and receive documents. It’s faster and Read More

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Say Hello to An Eco-Friendly Workplace with Online Faxing

So, if you are a lawyer, attorney or other types of staff working in a law firm, and still wondering about the advantages and benefits of online faxing for law firms and lawyers, read the list below:

Benefits of Online Faxing For Law Firms:

  1. Always accessible: Thanks to the faxing apps available for iOS and Android devices, you can always send and receive faxes from the palm of your hand. You'll receive a notification once there is a new fax and you just need to check your email or open the faxing app to read your received document
  2. Organize documents easily: Say, you are dealing with 5 clients at a time. You can easily assign separate tags to these clients and search through their documents easy and thanks to the organization feature, you can easily pull up any document at any time with no hassle.
  3. Set notifications for multiple emails: You and your colleagues are working on a case. You can simply assign multiple email addresses to get notified once there is a new fax in your inbox.
  4. Always ready scanner: Your phone's camera turns into a powerful scanner to scan documents fast with high quality.
  5. Sign documents electronically: Signing documents has never been easier with online faxing for a law firms solutions. Simply receive the fax on your mobile device, draw your signature and fax the document back.

Overall, going for the cloud-based faxing solution is the best thing that can happen for your law firm when it comes to sending and receiving faxes. Say goodbye to your old fax machine, subscribe to an online faxing plan, be more responsive to clients and close the cases more efficiently.

If you haven't found the online faxing service for your law firm, register with FAX.PLUS for free, and start sending faxes to more than 150 countries and receive faxes in more than 40 countries. Sending faxes to multiple numbers at once, affordable rates, retry sending, adding numbers to the blacklist, electronic signature, and availability on the web and mobile are just a few great features of FAX.PLUS.